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This collection pays for our seminarians studying in Rome and Spain.  Currently we have one student who is completing his studies in Rome this summer, and a new student (currently in his propaedeutic year in Spain) taking his place.  We currently have one student studying for the permanent diaconate. In 2022 our total vocations income was £80,644 with collections raising £34,434, friends standing orders totalling £8,326, grants of £33,333 and other income of £4,551. Our total expenditure was £72,831 which included fees £59,510, student grants £6,936 and other expenses totalling £6,385. This left us with a modest surplus of £7,813.


For last week’s Offertory Collection which raised £1057.16.

Thanks to the family who gave us a bequest, from their late Mum’s estate, of £2,000 and to the parishioner who gave a donation of £2,000 towards the repair work in the Church. 

Thanks also for £202.00 received from the last two Quiz Nights and £100.00 from teas & coffees in the Hall which will go to the Hall renovation Fund.

If you  have arranged to be married in 2024, please come and see Fr. Gerry to confirm arrangements and begin your marriage preparation, as soon as possible. 


are now in use GIFT AID ENVELOPES are allocated and may be collected from the back porch of the Church. NON GIFT AID ENVELOPES may be collected at the side doors of the Church.


Gift Aid: If your circumstances have changed and you can no longer Gift Aid on behalf of the parish, would you please let Fr. Gerry know so that we can accurately allocate the Gift Aid envelopes.

If you could sign a Gift Aid form on behalf of the parish, would you please let Fr. Gerry know so that you can be allocated Gift Aid envelopes for the new financial year.


Sincere thanks to everyone for your continuing support of the Parish in the Offertory Collection, by Standing Order or by cheque. Your support is very much appreciated.


A selection of Confirmation and First Holy Communion cards is now available in the stall which is open after 11.00am Mass on Sunday.



Pregnancy testing and counselling done in confidence, Mondays and Thursdays 7.00-9.00pm. Tel. 743809


The newsletter from the Bishops’  Commission for Marriage, Family & Life may be downloaded at


1. There still seems to be some confusion around about the question of divorce and admission to Holy Communion. If you are divorced but have not re-married and you are not “living with someone”, then you are not barred from participating at Mass or Holy Communion. Indeed, the conditions for you to receive Holy Communion are the same as for everyone else; you must be in a state of grace and you must fast for one hour before receiving Holy Communion.  People were told in the past that if they got divorced, they were “excommunicated” - this “information” was  not correct.


If you have divorced and then remarried “outside the Church”, or if you are “living with someone”, then you are still very welcome to come to Mass but that may change your situation about admission to Holy Communion.


2. If at one time you “married outside the church” and your situation has since changed, (e.g. if your spouse, sadly, has died, or if that marriage has  ended) and you have not re-married “outside the church” or started “living with someone” then you can be re-admitted to Holy Communion. The conditions for you to receive Communion are the same as for everyone else; you must be in a state of grace and you must fast for one hour before receiving Holy Communion.


3. If you are in any of these situations (or other marriage situations) and are not sure about how to proceed, please talk to one of our priests or deacons about it and they will be happy to  help.


We pray for all who are ill or housebound: in particular, we remember:

Christine Cairns, Nan Scullion,  Lexi Kerr (baby), Amy Hunter, Linda Scott, Maureen Hanvey, Emma Sinclair, Maureen Houston, Anne Kane, Jessica Glover, Caroline McNeil, Joanne King.

We pray for all who have died recently, R.I.P.

 Fr. Martin Chambers

Mary Doherty,
Helen McFarlane,  
Blair Patterson,
Mrs. Logan, Alan Clark,
Francis, James & Neil O’Rourke.

We remember those whose anniversaries are at this time, R.I.P., especially:

Rev. Canon Michael G. Sheridan, Assistant Priest here, 1970-1977, Cathie Grant, Willie Burns,
John Black, Chrissie Black McInnes, Kimberley Reid, Andy Lansdowne, Richard, Daniel & Jimmy Lyons, Alan Clark,
Francis, James & Neil O’Rourke.

Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.



In addition to our 24/7 emergency chaplain cover at IRH, we also have a catholic chaplaincy team who are happy to visit patients in the hospital for non-emergency visits. Please just let Fr. Gerry know that you or your relative would like a visit from a catholic chaplain and he will organise it. This change in how visits are arranged is due to the data protection and privacy laws now in operation.


For The Role Of Women

Let us pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world.

Protecting your Privacy

The privacy notice contained on our website is that of the Diocese of Paisley, St. Patrick’s is a Catholic parish of the Universal Church in the Diocese of Paisley, which is led by Bishop John Keenan, in communion with our Holy Father Pope Francis, in Greenock.


We want you to know that Diocese of Paisley respects the information we hold on you and that we take the security of your information very seriously.


New data protection rules, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), come into effect on May 2018. These regulation will give people greater control over how companies and organisations use their personal information.


We have updated our Privacy Notice in line with GDPR, which sets out information on how we hold and handle your data. It includes:


  • what kind of information we collect

  • how we use it

  • when we may need to share it


Many thanks for your understanding. You can read our full Privacy Notice at by clicking here or a hard copy can be requested from the Parish.

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